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Multiple command mode jobs

Created by: johnmatter

Command mode is now more useful. Users can specify one of the following:

  1. a single job with or without arguments. For example:
ifarm1402:~/hcswif$ ./ --mode command --command /some/where/ arg1 arg2 --name test
Wrote: /home/jmatter/hcswif/output/test.json
  1. a text file containing one job per line. For exmaple:
ifarm1402:~/hcswif$ cat myjobs.txt
/some/where/ arg1 arg2
/some/where/ arg3 arg4

ifarm1402:~/hcswif$  ./ --mode command --command file /some/where/myjobs.txt --name test2
Wrote: /home/jmatter/hcswif/output/test2.json

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