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Tag for testing branch iss827-CVTTrackEff-DevM4 containing new CVT tracking and latest dev updates:
clustering algorithm now creates only intra-layer clusters
trajectory information now includes distance-to-detector-edge
fixed inconsistency in dependence of helix curvature on solenoid polarity, i.e., support reversed field
fixed bug in PID assignment for energy-loss correction
fixed straight tracks duplicates
has seed type in track status word
fix in helical tracks overlap remover
fix in SVT standalone seeding for multiple BMT matches
pattern recognition seeding cut on radius of curvature instead of pt
fix in seed initialization from first pass tracks instead of seeds
trajectory information now includes dx and distance-to-detector edge
added trajectory bank for hit-based tracks
fixed bug resulting in duplicated tracks in straight-track finder
refactored Runge-Kutta-4 transport for processing speed increase
now performs CND inter-layer clustering and preserves layer information in REC::Scintillator
for FT trigger, reassign vertex and corresponding momentum direction for neutrals in RECFT::Particle
REC::UTrack now really contains unconstrained tracks
new REC::CaloExtras bank with all info from ECAL::calib
use trajectory information for track-hit matching at all levels, e.g., hit-based tracking
new interface for particle-hit matching for the future, currently unused except for CND
added fADC time information to reconstructed peaks
in ECAL::clusters, fADC time now used instead of TDC for PCAL, or when TDC unavailable
ECAL::calib bank now includes fADC and TDC based peak times and various other info
cluster status variable now encodes CCDB status
added check on maximum path-length in all swim-tools init methods
modified clas-reco detector classes to support EB changes
ignore events with run numbers less than 1 for all services by default
add printout of raw exception strings from CCDB library in ConstantsManager