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Read new /geometry/shifts/solenoid and /geometry/shifts/target CCDB tables to set target and solenoid positions independently

Baltzell, Nathan requested to merge iss211-positions into development

Created by: raffaelladevita

To support runs in which the target is not installed at the center of the solenoid (RG-C, RG-D), new CCDB tables were created under /geometry/shifts to store the x,y,z coordinates of the various volumes. See and

Previously, /geometry/target was used to set the positions of target, solenoid, CTOF and CND and was typically set to -3 cm. Apart from being inaccurate, this was not a problem so far because the actual target position was always equal to the solenoid center. This is not the case for RG-C and RG-D and, since the target position is used by CVT for eloss and selection of track candidates that by default is set to |z_seed-ztarget|<targetlength/2+1cm, using a wrong position leads to inaccurate eloss corrections and, more importantly, loss of good tracks.

In the new implementation:

  • /geometry/shits/target is used by:
    • CVT for eloss and candidates selection,
    • FD tracking to define trajectory planes;
  • /geometry/shifts/solenoid is used by:
    • Magfield to set the shift of the solenoid map,
    • CTOF and CND to set the detector position,
    • EB as a reference point for the RF correction,
    • FT to set the particle vertices.

The last 2, RF and FT, are temporary solutions to be consistent with the RG-C Summer 22 calibrations. These will be changes as follows in the future:

  • EB will not use a reference vz anymore since that can be simply reabsorbed in the RF calibrations;
  • FT will use the target center.

Closes #211 (closed)

Merge request reports