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Test Tag to validate the new CVT Tracking.

New Algorithms:

SVT Linker Algorithm (SLA)
	Find line using BMT C detector crosses (RZ Linker)
	Select BMT C crosses in the same sector to get a RZ seed  fit gives helix dip-angle line
	Allow for dip-angle line with only 2 BMT-C detector crosses (even if all regions have hits – allows for localized deadzone in a sector)
	Match line to SVT cross cluster lines (XY Linker)
	Save SVT crosses matched to the line to start arc seed
	Employ Arc finding algorithm to match other crosses providing XY information
Clusters ON Track Recovery Algorithm (CONTRA)
	Find missing clusters on track using KF trajectory and refit the track to improve resolution
Improved SVTStandalone algorithm
	Works on SVT only crosses or on SVT+BMT tracks that do not have at least 2 BMT-C crosses
	Method to find BMT-Z crosses in same angular range as seed arc for matching
	Selection for SVT crosses consistent with helix
	Require min 2 SVT crosses + 1 BMT-Z cross or 3 SVT crosses